RAID Defence Systems
(Owned by Trisat Ltd)
Beacon Innovation Centre,
Gorleston, Norfolk, NR31 7RA
#1st UK Academic Accredited
Personal Security & Defence Provider
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H2H RAID Self Defence Manual Available

Rapid Action Initiated Defence (RAID) is a uniquely different approach to modern self defence and conflict management. The System has been designed by retired members of the UK Elite Special Forces, which has become one of the fastest taught and learnt systems today by both Military and Civilian sectors. This unique system has been designed to follow a systematic 5 step process, which you can learn and retain in such a short space of time. The RAID system has been created to give you a balanced recipe, to successfully defend yourself and provide heightened confidence in dealing with violent confrontations. RAID is unbiased of gender, age, ability or physical stature. Designed by Tremaine Kent, the RAID system is designed for anyone that wishes to discover personal security and develop realistic self defence concepts for the real world today. So as well as developing your survivability on the street, we also develop your academic portfolio as this course is a recognised Level 3 Qualification.

This is the first set of self defence manuals compiled into a coherent book to enable the everyday person the ability to protect one’s self on the hazardous streets of today. With every purchase you will be discounted off the cost of the practical training if you wish to take the level 3 qualifications, to develop your practical skills and academic portfolio.

RAID Self Defence has two main elements of Self Defence: The “Self” Meaning it is a unified strategic exploration of the ‘Self’, by examining your belief systems and attitude to developing assertiveness, fear management and psychological skills that build confidence from within. And “Defence” The second element of multifunctional guided ‘Defences’ which are tactical defence concepts simplistic in nature that afford a 3-dimensional and 360 degree defence with limited actions. The delivery of RAID is through 5 modules, known as the 5’D’s of Defence which follows the systematic sequence of a violent confrontation from start to finish. So by the end of this book you will be able to a higher level of not only personal security but also defence strategies.

As an instructor in 10 different systems, i realised at an early stage of my life that there is no one complete system and thus i had to relate my circumstances to the system that i had learnt at that time. this became confusing and i soon began to use the same concepts over and over again when dealing with physical situations. After some time i started to write down my ideas and when i shared them with fellow students the system started to grow. If you look at what’s out there at the moment there seems to be an emphasis on what is popular and if you examine the origin of some of the systems you will discover that what was good for a military organisation is not always good for the everyday person, not to mention the legal consequence of what you have been taught.

Tremaine has over 18 years of combative experience and has evolved his own system called RAID. His personal abilities compliment the system with 14 years military service, serving with the UK Specialist Units. Since leaving he has taken an active role in the security industry from becoming the first chairman appointed head of Close Protection Development of Skills for Security Organization to teaching bodyguards internationally and working as a close protection operative all over the world. His self defence experience and the revolutionary concepts & applications he has designed like the RAID system have been proven globally and by various authorities from Suffolk Police, Norfolk Fire-fighters, Special Forces Units, Close Protection and Security Operatives to Corporations and Civilian Sectors.


Belief System,
Fear Management,
Pre-Assault Fear,
Primary Assault Fear,
Secondary Assault Fear,
Tertiary Assault Fear,
Post Assault Fear,
Apathy and Denial,
SAFER Guide to personal security,
Personal Protection and Security,
Home Security,
Street Security,
Vehicle Security,
Public Transport Security,
Work Security,
Personal Protection Equipment,

Awareness and Observation,
Awareness and Colour coding,
Green Zone,
Amber Zone,
Red Zone,
Types of Attackers,
Violence against persons,
Sexual offences,
Sexual Attacks,
Mugging Attacks,
Physical Attacks,

The Law,
The Legal Triangle,
RAID Use of Force Ladder,
Conflict Management System,
RAID STOP Emergency Directive,

Anatomy of Defence,
Startle to Flinch Mechanism,
Target areas of the body,
Tools of Defence,
Rhythm, Pace and Leverage,
Minimum Force,
Reasonable Force,
Kicking range defence,
punching range defence,
ground range defence,
Close Quarters defence,
RAID Close Quarters Defence System,
Force Continuum,
Multiple Attackers,
Weapons Awareness,
Edged Weapons Defence,
Firearms Awareness,
Improvised weapons awareness,

Immediate first aid,
self triage drill,
Reporting an Incident,
Where to find help,

We all know that violence is on the increase! You only have to watch television and read the newspapers, with gang cultures, rapes, murders and armed assaults being pushed to the front of the news. Society is becoming vicious and hard. Who is to blame for this increase? Well, we can all point the finger at someone else, but the truth of the matter is that we are all responsible in our own way and even though the national statistics say otherwise it is not getting any better. Most people are terrified of becoming a victim and apathy seems to be the only defence, which dominates people’s thoughts. Some individuals take up traditional martial arts to fill the void of knowledge. However, for those of you who have traditional martial arts experience, think about the last self-defence technique you did in class, do you honestly think you could perform that at 4am when you are tired? Or will the technique taught, be adaptable to a street, alleyway, car, underground, car park or elevator etc? Or will the technique work against a knife attack when it has being thrust at you repeatedly from all angles fast? Or will you be able to stand up in a court of law and defend yourself to prove your innocence without court room survival training? If the answers are negative you need to have a re-think of your goals of training. You don’t have to have years of experience to be able to defend yourself against today’s violent society. RAID is not gender, physical prowess, age or size dependant.

The answer is simple, if you want to increase your survivability and become safer within a violent confrontation, the self-defence and personal protection training you choose needs to include personal security & protection, conflict management, fear management, pre and post assault training as well as the physical assault elements of defence. Unfortunately, traditional arts severely undermine pre and post assault training and focus on technical applications. These are in direct conflict with our reactive response parts of the brain (startle to flinch) not to mention the lack of conceptual approaches to tactical and strategic defence methodologies.

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